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Amie Prsa


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Dear Clients,

We hope this newsletter finds you and your pets in good health and high spirits. We are Celebrating Senior Pet Health in November!

Have you ever noticed how suddenly your pet seems to be getting older?

Most dogs and cats are seniors when they reach 7-8 years of age.

Importance of Senior Pet Care

As our pets age, their needs change, and it becomes crucial to provide them with specialized care. Regular veterinary check-ups, tailored nutrition, exercise, and mental stimulation are essential to ensure their well-being. During Senior Pet Health Month, we encourage you to schedule a wellness exam for your senior pet to assess his or her overall health and to address any age-related concerns.

Recognizing Age-Related Health Issues

Although “old age” is not a disease, it is at this time of life that many serious conditions can start to appear. Such conditions include kidney disease, liver disease, hyperthyroidism (cats), and cancer of many forms.  These conditions, if caught early, may be treatable and often curable.

To celebrate Senior Pet Health Month, we are running a senior screening campaign for November.

Your older pet needs to have a complete physical examination at least once a year as well as regular tests to make sure we notice and keep on top of any problems.

Our senior health screening program for dogs and cats includes:

Phase 1
  • Complete Physical Exam
  • CBC (complete blood count)
  • Chemistry panel (blood test) $490 + tax
  • T4 thyroid test             (a saving of $167)
  • Urinalysis
  • ECG
Please note: We often need to use light sedation for the ultrasound procedure to make the animal more relaxed.


Phase 2
  • Abdominal ultrasound (with sedation)
  • Chest x-rays (3 views)             $580 + tax

(a saving of $191)

Phase 1 and 2 on same day: $870 + tax

                (a saving of $200)

Please talk to a member of our reception team to sign up for this program.

We will also discuss and help you with:

Good Nutrition for the Senior Pet

Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Dental Health

Comfort and Mobility

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our clinic. Our dedicated team is here to provide the best possible care for your furry family members, senior or any age.

Wishing you and your senior pets a happy and healthy November!


The Team at Steeples Veterinary Clinic