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Understanding Behaviour in Dogs and Cats

By Freddie's BlogNo Comments

Dear Steeples Veterinary Clinic Family,

Welcome to the August edition of our monthly newsletter! This month, our focus is on a critical aspect of pet health and wellbeing: Behaviour. Understanding and managing your pets’ behaviour can lead to happier, healthier lives for them and more harmonious relationships for you. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of pet behaviour and share some valuable tips and insights.


Understanding Behaviour in Dogs and Cats


Dogs are social animals with a range of behaviours influenced by their genetics, environment, and experiences. Some common behavioural issues include barking, chewing, digging, and separation anxiety.

Tips for Managing Dog Behaviour:

  • Positive Reinforcement: Reward desired behaviours with treats, praise, or play. This encourages your dog to repeat these actions.
  • Consistent Training: Establish clear and consistent rules. Enroll your dog in training classes to help them learn commands and social skills.
  • Mental and Physical Stimulation: Ensure your dog gets enough exercise and mental stimulation through walks, playtime, and puzzle toys.
  • Socialization: Expose your dog to different people, environments, and other dogs from a young age to build confidence and reduce fear.


Krista and Chiquita – Veterinary Technician


Cats are independent creatures with behaviours rooted in their predatory nature. Common issues include scratching, litter box problems, and aggression.

Tips for Managing Cat Behaviour:

  • Provide Enrichment: Offer toys, scratching posts, and climbing structures to keep your cat entertained and reduce destructive behaviours.
  • Litter Box Management: Keep the litter box clean and in a quiet, accessible location. Cats prefer a clean environment for their bathroom needs.
  • Positive Interactions: Use treats and affection to reinforce positive behaviours. Avoid punishment, as it can lead to fear and aggression.
  • Safe Spaces: Ensure your cat has safe, quiet areas to retreat to when they need to relax.

Behaviour at the Veterinary Clinic

Visiting the vet can be a stressful experience for pets. At Steeples Veterinary Clinic, we are committed to reducing fear and anxiety to make each visit as comfortable as possible.

Our Clinic:

  • Cat-Only Exam Room: We have a dedicated cat-only exam room to create a calmer, safer environment for our feline patients.
  • Cat-Only Waiting Area: Our waiting area includes a separate section just for cats, reducing stress caused by interactions with dogs.
  • Dog Training Classes: We host dog training classes with local trainers to help dogs develop positive associations with the vet clinic.
  • Techniques to reduce Fear and Anxiety: Our team is trained in techniques, which include gentle handling, using calming pheromones, and providing treats and toys to distract and comfort your pets.




Why Behaviour Matters

Understanding and managing pet behaviour is crucial for several reasons:

  • Health: Behavioural issues can sometimes indicate underlying health problems. Addressing these issues promptly can lead to better overall health.
  • Safety: Proper training and behaviour management can prevent accidents and injuries, both for your pets and your family.
  • Quality of Life: A well-behaved pet is often a happier pet. Reducing stress and anxiety leads to a better quality of life for your furry friends.

Join Us for a Happy, Healthy August!

We hope these tips and insights help you better understand your pets’ behaviour and create a happier, healthier environment for them. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is here to support you and your pets every step of the way.

Warmest regards,

The Team at Steeples Veterinary Clinic


The Importance of Preventive Health

By Freddie's BlogNo Comments

The Importance of Preventive Health

Proactive care is the best medicine



Welcome to the June edition of our blog! As we transition into summer, we’re focusing on a topic that’s crucial to the well-being of your beloved pets: Preventive Health. Taking proactive steps in your pet’s health care can lead to a longer, happier life for your pets. This month, we’ll explore various aspects of preventive health and offer tips to keep your pets in top shape.

Key Elements of Preventive Health

Regular Check-Ups

Annual veterinary visits are essential for early detection of potential health issues. During these check-ups, our veterinarians perform thorough physical exams, recommend necessary vaccinations, and discuss any concerns you may have about your pet’s health.


Vaccinations protect your pets from many serious and contagious diseases. We tailor vaccination schedules based on your pet’s age, lifestyle, and risk factors to ensure optimal protection.

Parasite Prevention

Fleas, ticks, and lice are more than just nuisances—they can cause severe health problems. We provide effective preventive treatments to keep these parasites at bay and to ensure your pet remains parasite-free.

Nutrition and Weight Management

A balanced diet is crucial for maintaining your pet’s overall health. Our team can help you choose the right food and develop a feeding plan that meets your pet’s nutritional needs. Monitoring your pet’s weight is also important, as obesity can lead to various health issues.

Dental Care

Oral health is often overlooked but is a vital part of your pet’s preventive care. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings can prevent periodontal disease, which can lead to more serious health problems.

Behaviour and Training

Proper training and socialization can prevent many behavioural issues. We can provide resources and recommendations to help you train your pet and address any behavioural concerns.

Bonus Tip!

Pet Health Insurance is the BEST choice for preventive care. Insuring your pet means peace of mind and the comfort of knowing that in an emergency, you have the support you need to do what’s best for them. Injury and illness are stressful on the pet – Pet insurance helps reduce the stress on you.

Colin – Veterinary Summer Student


Special Focus: Summer Safety Tips

As the weather warms up, it’s important to take extra precautions to keep your pets safe and healthy:

– Hydration: Always provide fresh water and ensure your pet stays hydrated.

– Heat Protection: Never leave your pet in a parked car and avoid walking during the hottest part of the day.

– Pest Prevention: Summer is peak season for Ticks! Ensure your pet is protected with preventive treatments.

– Safe Travels: If you’re travelling with your pet, make sure they’re comfortable and secure, and bring their health records along.

Nicole (left), Tianna (right), and Scout (middle)  – Veterinary Technicians

Spring is here!

By Freddie's BlogNo Comments

This month, we are talking about vaccines, dewormer, and tick prevention.

Dear Steeples Veterinary Clinic Family,

As April unfolds, it brings with it the promise of warmer weather and outdoor adventures with our animals. That is why this month, we’re emphasizing the critical importance of preventative care, focusing on vaccines, deworming, and tick prevention to keep your dogs, cats, and horses healthy and happy.


The Importance of Vaccines:

Vaccines are the cornerstone of preventive healthcare for pets. They protect against a variety of potentially life-threatening diseases, such as rabies, distemper, parvovirus, and more. By vaccinating your dogs, cats, and horses according to recommended schedules, you’re providing them with vital immunity against these illnesses, safeguarding their well-being for years to come.



Regular deworming is essential for pets of all ages. Worm infestations can cause a range of health problems, including gastrointestinal issues, malnutrition, and even organ damage. Puppies and kittens are particularly susceptible to worms, but pets of all ages can be affected. Routine deworming treatments help eliminate intestinal parasites and protect your pets from the harmful effects of infestation.


Tick Prevention:

With the arrival of spring, we also enter tick season. These tiny parasites can transmit serious diseases such as Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, and anaplasmosis to our pets, posing a significant health risk. It’s crucial to implement tick prevention measures to keep your dogs, cats, and horses safe. Ask us about our range of tick prevention products, including topical treatments and oral medications designed to repel and kill ticks before they can attach to your pet.


As you enjoy the beauty of springtime with your pets, remember that proactive healthcare is key to ensuring many happy and healthy years together.


Equine Health Focus:

Equine fecal egg counts are a crucial tool in maintaining the health of horses. By examining fecal samples under a microscope, veterinarians can assess the level of the internal parasite burden in a horse’s gastrointestinal tract. This helps determine if deworming treatment is necessary and allows for more targeted and effective parasite control measures. Regular fecal egg counts can prevent overuse of dewormers, reduce risk of drug resistance, and ultimately contribute to the overall wellbeing and performance of horses.

In addition to deworming, it’s crucial to remain vigilant for signs of underlying health conditions in horses. Cushing’s disease, characterized by hormonal imbalances, can manifest in symptoms such as excessive hair growth, muscle wasting, and increased thirst and urination. Our clinic offers testing for Cushing’s disease to ensure early detection and prompt intervention, preserving your horse’s quality of life.

Equine Metabolic Syndrome:

Equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) is another condition that requires careful monitoring. Horses with EMS may exhibit symptoms such as obesity and laminitis.

Equine metabolic syndrome and Cushing’s can be tested with the same blood panel test. Once we have the results, we can tailor a treatment plan for your horse. Our veterinary team is equipped to assess your horse for signs of EMS and Cushing’s and provide comprehensive management strategies to mitigate its impact on their health and well-being


If you have any questions or concerns about vaccines, deworming, or tick prevention, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Warm Regards,

The Staff of Steeples Veterinary Clinic

February is Pet Dental Health Awareness Month!

By Freddie's BlogNo Comments

Hello Pet owners!

February is here, and along with it comes a reminder to prioritize the dental health of our pets.

Approximately 60% of dogs and 50% of cats show signs of dental disease by the age of three. This common health problem often goes unnoticed, but keeping ahead of it is very important to maintain the well-being of our animal companions.

To remind you to take your pets’ dental health seriously, we’re sending out the answers to some common questions.  Please read through to the end for an exciting offer!

  1. Are dental problems the same for people and pets?

Somewhat, with a few differences.  For people, tooth decay (cavities) is a common dental problem. In dogs, tooth decay is quite uncommon. The most common dental problem for dogs and cats is periodontal disease (often called gum disease). People definitely get periodontal disease as well, and it leads to tooth loss and eventually dentures.

Caused by plaque and tartar buildup, which is teaming with bacteria, periodontal disease can destroy the tissues that surround the teeth, eventually causing loose teeth, tooth root abscesses and tooth loss. The bacteria from periodontal disease can also enter the bloodstream and cause infections in other areas of the body, leading to heart, kidney, and liver disease.

Cats can also have painful resorptive lesions on their teeth, and both dogs and cats are prone to cracked or broken teeth.

  1. What causes plaque and tartar to form and how does this cause periodontal disease?

Just like your mouth, your pet’s mouth is home to thousands of bacteria. As these bacteria multiply on the surface of the teeth, they form an invisible layer called plaque (biofilm). While some plaque is removed by your pet’s tongue and chewing habits, some remains.

If allowed to build up over time, plaque thickens and mineralizes with the calcium in saliva to become tartar. Tartar accumulates both above and below the gum line, leading to inflammation of the gums (gingivitis), further plaque and tartar accumulation, and eventually serious periodontal disease.

The periodontal ligament is the strong tissue that holds the tooth in the tooth socket. When it’s not healthy because of inflammation and bacterial infection, the tooth becomes loose and painful.

  1. How common is periodontal disease in pets?

According to the Canadian and American Veterinary Medical Associations, most dogs and cats have some evidence of periodontal disease by the age of three, occasionally with signs such as bad breath, difficulty eating or chewing, and/or pawing at the mouth.  On the other hand, your pet may hide any signs of oral discomfort.

  1. How can I know if my pet has gum disease or other dental disease?

There may be bad breath, red gums, bleeding gums, obvious discomfort, or nothing that you can see.  Sometimes you may not notice much because of the unfamiliarity of looking in your dog or cat’s mouth.  This is where veterinary team members are very knowledgeable. We can help assess what’s going on in your pet’s mouth.  Just ask us!

  1. How can I help prevent plaque and tartar buildup?

By incorporating dental treats and toys into your pet’s routine you may help reduce or delay plaque and tartar buildup. (Be aware: Bones, antlers, and other hard chew toys are not recommended as they can chip or fracture the teeth).  Specially designed treats and toys help to reduce plaque buildup and promote healthy gums. Not only will your pet enjoy the chewing experience, but it will also help keep their teeth clean. Ask one of our team members to show you what we have.
Some pet foods are specifically formulated as dental diets that mechanically and/or chemically help with plaque and tartar control.

Ultimately, daily brushing the teeth is the best defense against tartar buildup. The mechanical action of the brush on the tooth surface and at/under the gumline is particularly effective.  It’s the same reason you brush your teeth.

  1. Can I use human toothpaste?

You should never use human toothpaste to clean your pet’s teeth as it can cause digestive upset if swallowed by pets. Some human toothpastes also contain xylitol that can be deadly for dogs.

Instead, use pet-formulated toothpaste that your veterinarian will carry, or even use just plain water and a soft bristle brush without toothpaste.  We can help teach you how to brush your pet’s teeth.

  1. How is my pet’s dental disease treated or prevented from getting worse?

Ultimately, even with the most rigorous attention to home dental care, most pets will need occasional or regular dental cleanings and possibly tooth extraction because of too-far-gone periodontal disease.

The treatment starts with a Complete Oral Health Assessment and Treatment. A COHAT is performed under general anaesthetic once your pet has been examined by the veterinarian. It includes gingival and periodontal cleaning, full examination of all parts of the mouth, full mouth dental x-rays, and examination by the veterinarian who will make a treatment plan. A veterinary team member will be in communication with you during this process.  Many pets need only a deep gum cleaning, put some could need tooth extraction or other procedures.

We are happy to assess your pet’s oral health, to give recommendations, and to tell you more about the anaesthetic and dental procedures that might be required.


Call or text us at 250-489-3451.

Your friends at Steeples Veterinary Clinic

January 2023 Edition: Welcoming New Puppies and Kittens

By Freddie's BlogNo Comments

Dear Steeples Veterinary Clinic Community,

Happy New Year! We hope this newsletter finds you and your pets in good health and high spirits. As we step into a brand new year, our focus for January is on the joys and responsibilities that come with welcoming new puppies and kittens into our homes.

  1. Vaccine Schedule for Puppies and Kittens

One of the first steps in ensuring the well-being of your new pet is following our vaccination schedule. Puppies and kittens require a series of vaccinations to protect them against common diseases. For puppies, vaccinations typically include protection against parvovirus, distemper, canine hepatitis, and more. Kittens, on the other hand, need vaccinations for feline herpesvirus, calicivirus, and panleukopenia. Consult with our experienced veterinarians to create a personalized vaccine plan tailored to your pet’s needs.

  1. Regular Veterinary Care:

Routine veterinary visits are essential for monitoring the growth and development of your new pet. Regular check-ups allow our veterinarians to identify any potential health issues early on, ensuring prompt and effective treatment. Discuss a schedule for wellness exams, dental care, and parasite prevention during your visits.

  1. Tips and Tricks for Welcoming Them Home:

Welcoming a new puppy or kitten into your home is an exciting time, but it comes with its challenges. Here are some tips and tricks to make the transition smoother:

– Create a Safe Space: Set up a cozy and secure area where your new pet can retreat to when they need some quiet time. This helps them feel safe in their new environment.

– Positive Reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior. Praise and reward your pet when they exhibit desired actions, making the learning process enjoyable for both of you.

– Socialization is Key: Expose your new pet to different people, places, and experiences from an early age. Proper socialization helps prevent behavioral issues and ensures a well-adjusted adult pet.

– Establish a Routine: Pets thrive on routine. Set regular feeding times, play sessions, and walks to provide structure and stability in their lives.


Remember, the Steeples Veterinary Clinic team is here to support you every step of the way on your journey with your new puppy or kitten. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Wishing you and your pets a wonderful start to the new year!

Warm regards,

Steeples Veterinary Clinic

December Newsletter

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Dear Valued Clients,

Happy December from the team at Steeples Veterinary Clinic! As the holiday season is upon us, we wanted to share some important updates, tips, and information to ensure the well-being of your pets during this festive time.

Holiday Safety Reminders:

The holidays bring joy and celebration, but they also present some potential hazards for our pets. Here are a few reminders to keep your pets safe and healthy:

  1. Deck the Halls Safely:

Be cautious with holiday decorations, such as tinsel, ornaments, and lights. These can be tempting for pets but pose a risk if ingested or played with. Consider pet-friendly decorations and secure any potentially harmful items out of reach.

  1. Seasonal Plants:

While poinsettias and mistletoe are beautiful additions to holiday decor, they can be toxic to pets. Keep these plants out of reach, and if you suspect your pet has ingested any, contact us immediately.

  1. Watch the Treats:

With all the delicious holiday treats around, it’s essential to be mindful of what your pets consume. Some human foods, such as chocolate, alcohol, and certain fruits, can be harmful to them. Stick to pet-safe treats and consult with our team if you have any concerns.

December Discount Days:

‘Tis the season for giving, and at Steeples Veterinary Clinic, we’re excited to spread some holiday cheer with our December Discount Days! Enjoy special pricing on a variety of services every day throughout the month. Check our “December Discount Days” calendar to discover exclusive offers tailored to meet your pet’s needs. Also, through the entirety of December, we will be doing another Dental Month where you can get your dogs, cats, and horses dental procedures done at 15% off!

Here’s a sneak peek at some of the daily discounts. Check out the calendar for which days these fall on!

  • Vaccine Days – All vaccines are 50% off when you get a Preventive Health Exam
  • Spay/Neuters for 15% off
  • Stocking Stuffers – 10% off Food, Treats and Shampoos

Take advantage of these fantastic offers to ensure your pets are happy and healthy during the holiday season.

Schedule Your Year-End Check-up:

As the year comes to a close, it’s an excellent time to schedule a year-end check-up for your pets. Regular veterinary visits help detect and address any potential health concerns, ensuring a happy and healthy start to the new year.

Warm Wishes from Steeples Veterinary Clinic:

We want to express our gratitude for entrusting us with the care of your pets throughout the year. As 2023 comes to a close, we look forward to continuing to provide the highest quality veterinary care in the coming year.

If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to schedule an appointment during our December Discount Days, feel free to contact us at [clinic phone number] or [clinic email].

Wishing you and your pets a safe, joyful, and healthy holiday season!


The Team at Steeples Veterinary Clinic

Obesity and Halloween Information

By Freddie's BlogNo Comments

Dear Pet Owners,

Welcome to the October edition of the Steeples Veterinary Clinic newsletter! This month, we will be focusing on two important topics: obesity in pets and Halloween safety tips for your pets. Let’s dive right in!

Obesity in Pets

Obesity is a growing concern among our pets. Just like humans, excess weight can lead to a variety of health issues in pets, including diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease. Here are a few tips to help you keep your pets at a healthy weight:

– Portion Control: Measure your pet’s food and follow the recommended feeding guidelines provided by your veterinarian. Avoid free-feeding and limit treats to prevent overeating.

– Regular Exercise: Engage your pet in regular physical activities such as walks, playtime, and interactive toys. Consult your veterinarian for exercise recommendations based on your pet’s age, breed, and health condition.

– Healthy Treats: Opt for low-calorie treats or use small portions of your pet’s regular food as rewards during training sessions.

– Weight Monitoring: Regularly weigh your pet and track their progress. If you notice any significant weight gain or loss, consult your veterinarian for guidance.

Remember, maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for your pet’s overall well-being. If you have concerns about your pet’s weight, don’t hesitate to reach out to our clinic for personalized advice.


Halloween Safety Tips for Pets

As Halloween approaches, it’s important to keep your pets safe and stress-free during this festive time. Here are some tips to ensure a happy and safe Halloween for your furry friends:

– Costume Considerations: If you decide to dress up your pet, make sure the costume is comfortable, doesn’t restrict movement, and doesn’t have any small parts that could be chewed or swallowed.

– Candy Caution: Keep Halloween candies and chocolates out of your pet’s reach. Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, can be toxic to pets. Xylitol, a common sweetener in candies, can also be dangerous.

– Decorations and Candles: Keep decorations, lit candles, and jack-o’-lanterns away from your pets. Curious pets may knock them over, causing burns or other injuries.

– Trick-or-Treating: If you’re taking your pet trick-or-treating, make sure they are comfortable with crowds and noise. Keep them on a leash and ensure they have proper identification in case they get lost.

– Safe Haven: Create a quiet and secure space for your pet during Halloween parties or fireworks. Provide them with a cozy bed, toys, and familiar scents to help reduce anxiety.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your pets have a safe and enjoyable Halloween experience.

That’s it for this month’s newsletter! We hope you found the information on obesity and Halloween safety helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact our clinic. Wishing you and your family a spooktacular October!

Best regards,

The Team at Steeples Veterinary Clinic

Pet Rehabilitation: A Path to Recovery After Orthopedic Surgery

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Welcome to the Steeples Veterinary Clinic blog! Today, we want to shed light on the importance of pet rehabilitation, particularly after orthopedic surgery. Just like humans, pets require specialized care and rehabilitation to ensure a successful recovery and regain their mobility. Let’s explore the world of pet rehabilitation and discover how it can benefit your beloved pet after orthopedic surgery.


The Role of Rehabilitation in Orthopedic Surgery Recovery

Orthopedic surgeries, such as fracture repairs, joint surgeries, and ligament repairs, can significantly improve your pet’s quality of life. However, the journey to recovery doesn’t end with the surgery itself. Rehabilitation plays a vital role in helping pets regain strength, mobility, and function. It focuses on reducing pain, improving range of motion, and rebuilding muscle strength.


Benefits of Pet Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation offers numerous benefits for pets recovering from orthopedic surgery. Some of the key advantages include:

– Faster Recovery: Proper rehabilitation can expedite the healing process and help pets regain their mobility sooner.

– Pain Management: Rehabilitation techniques, including therapeutic exercises and modalities, can effectively manage post-operative pain.

– Improved Range of Motion: Targeted exercises and stretching can enhance joint flexibility and range of motion.

– Muscle Strengthening: Rehabilitation programs include exercises that help rebuild muscle strength, preventing muscle atrophy and promoting stability.

– Prevention of Complications: Rehabilitation can reduce the risk of complications, such as joint stiffness, contractures, and secondary injuries.

– Enhanced Quality of Life: By restoring mobility and function, rehabilitation can significantly improve your pet’s overall quality of life.


Rehabilitation Techniques for Pets

At Steeples Veterinary Clinic, our experienced rehabilitation team utilizes a variety of techniques to aid in your pet’s recovery. These may include:

– Therapeutic Exercises: Customized exercise programs tailored to your pet’s specific needs, focusing on improving strength, balance, and coordination.

– Cold laser therapy: Class 4 Laser is a non-invasive treatment that uses low-intensity laser light to stimulate healing and reduce pain and inflammation. It can be used to treat a variety of conditions in both humans and animals, including musculoskeletal injuries, arthritis, wound healing, and nerve pain.

– Massage and Manual Therapy: Hands-on techniques to alleviate muscle tension, improve circulation, and enhance relaxation.

– Assistive Devices: The use of braces, slings, or orthotics to support and stabilize affected limbs during the recovery process.


Your Pet’s Individualized Rehabilitation Plan

Every pet is unique, and their rehabilitation plan should be tailored to their specific needs. Our rehabilitation team will work closely with you and your pet to develop a personalized plan that addresses their individual requirements. Regular progress evaluations and adjustments to the plan will ensure optimal recovery and long-term success.


Monitoring Your Pet’s Progress

During the rehabilitation process, it’s essential to monitor your pet’s progress closely. Look out for signs of improvement, such as increased mobility, decreased pain, and improved muscle strength. If you notice any concerns or changes in your pet’s condition, don’t hesitate to reach out to our clinic for guidance and support.



Rehabilitation is a crucial component of the recovery journey after orthopedic surgery. At Steeples Veterinary Clinic, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive rehabilitation services to help your pet regain their mobility, strength, and overall well-being. If your pet is scheduled for orthopedic surgery or has recently undergone one, consider incorporating rehabilitation into their recovery plan. Together, we can ensure a successful and speedy recovery for your pets.

Stay tuned for more informative blog posts from Steeples Veterinary Clinic. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact our clinic. We are here to support you and your pets every step of the way.

Wishing you and your furry friends a healthy and happy journey to recovery!



The Team at Steeples Veterinary Clinic

Traveling with Pets: Your Guide to a Pawsome Adventure!

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Greetings Pet Parents!


As the temperature rises and the days grow longer, August is the perfect time for some exciting travels and new adventures. And what better way to make your summer escapades even more special than by bringing along your furry friends? At Steeples Veterinary Clinic, we understand that your pets are part of the family, and we’re here to help you navigate the ins and outs of traveling with your four-legged companions.


1. Plan for a Happy and Healthy Journey

Before you set off on your trip, it’s essential to ensure your pet is in tip-top shape. Schedule a pre-travel checkup with our experienced veterinarians to make sure your pet is up-to-date on vaccinations, parasite prevention, and overall well-being. A clean bill of health will give you peace of mind and set the stage for a successful journey.


2. Road Tripping with Fido: Unleash the Fun!

Is there anything more exciting than hitting the open road with your canine sidekick? Road trips with pets can be a delightful experience, but a little preparation goes a long way. Pack a travel kit with all the essentials – food, water, medications, favorite toys, and a cozy bed to ensure your furry friend stays comfortable during the trip. Don’t forget to make frequent pit stops for bathroom breaks and short walks to keep your pet relaxed and happy.


3. Taking to the Skies with Fluffy

If your travel plans involve taking to the skies, flying with your furry feline or small dog is entirely possible! However, each airline has its own set of pet travel policies, so it’s crucial to do your homework well in advance. Familiarize your pet with their travel crate before the flight, and consider using calming products to ease anxiety. And of course, consult with our veterinarians for any additional tips and advice.


4. Seek Pet-Friendly Accommodations

When choosing your accommodation, make sure it’s pet-friendly. Fortunately, many hotels, motels, and vacation rentals now roll out the red carpet for your furry companions. Be sure to check out nearby parks or open spaces where your pet can burn off some energy and enjoy the new surroundings.


5. Safety First: Identification and Microchipping

Traveling can increase the risk of pets getting lost. To prevent this nightmare scenario, ensure your pet has a well-fitted collar with an updated ID tag that includes your contact information. We highly recommend microchipping as a permanent and reliable form of identification that can be a lifesaver if your pet becomes separated from you.


6. Combatting Motion Sickness and Travel Anxiety

Just like us, some pets may experience motion sickness or anxiety during the journey. Talk to our veterinarians about potential medications or natural remedies to help ease their discomfort and ensure a smoother trip for everyone.


7. The Perfect Pet Travel Kit

Prepare a well-stocked travel kit with all the essentials. Pack their favorite food, collapsible water bowls, a leash, waste bags, first-aid supplies, and any necessary medications. Being prepared for any situation will give you peace of mind and ensure your pet’s comfort throughout the trip.


We at Steeples Veterinary Clinic are dedicated to the health and happiness of your pets. If you have any questions or need advice on traveling with your furry companions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our caring team.

Wishing you and your pets a summer filled with unforgettable adventures and cherished memories. Happy travels!

Embrace Preventive Health for a Lifetime of Happiness with Your Pets

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Summer is here, and at Steeples Veterinary Clinic, we’re passionate about keeping your pets healthy and happy. As we dive into the sunny season, we want to shed light on the importance of preventive health care for your furry companions. Just like us, our pets benefit immensely from proactive measures to ensure they live a long and thriving life. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of preventive health and provide you with practical steps to keep your four-legged friends in the best shape possible.

Annual Wellness Exams: A Gateway to Early Detection

Regular check-ups are the key to identifying potential health issues before they become major concerns. By scheduling an annual wellness exam at our clinic, you’ll give our veterinary experts an opportunity to assess your pet’s overall health, administer necessary vaccinations, and provide tailored advice for their specific needs. Remember, prevention is always better than cure, and these exams can go a long way in safeguarding your pet’s well-being.

Vaccinations: Shielding Your Pet from Diseases

Immunizations are a critical component of preventive care, protecting our pets from contagious and potentially life-threatening diseases. Ensure your pets are up to date with their vaccinations, including core vaccines such as rabies, distemper, parvovirus, and feline leukemia. By staying current on vaccines, you’re providing a powerful shield for your pet against these harmful diseases.

Parasite Prevention: Banishing the Tiny Terrors

Warmer weather brings an increased risk of fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, and other parasites. These nuisances can cause a range of health problems, including allergies and the transmission of serious diseases. Protect your pets by using veterinarian-recommended preventive treatments and adhering to a regular schedule for flea, tick, and heartworm preventives. Don’t let these tiny terrors disrupt your pet’s comfort and well-being.

Dental Care: A Gateway to Overall Health

Dental health is often overlooked, but it’s crucial for your pet’s overall well-being. Poor oral hygiene can lead to dental diseases, pain, and even organ damage. Establishing a regular dental care routine is essential, including brushing your pet’s teeth, providing dental treats or toys, and scheduling professional dental cleanings. By prioritizing your pet’s dental health, you’ll ensure they have a bright smile and a healthier life.

Nutrition and Weight Management: The Foundation of Health

Proper nutrition is the cornerstone of good health. A balanced diet tailored to your pet’s specific needs is vital for their overall well-being. Obesity is a growing concern among pets and can lead to various health complications. Consult with our veterinarians to develop a personalized diet plan and ensure your pet maintains a healthy weight. With the right nutrition, you can lay the foundation for a healthy and vibrant life for your furry friend.

Exercise and Mental Stimulation: Enriching Lives

Regular physical activity and mental stimulation are essential for keeping your pets fit and happy. Engage in interactive playtime, go for walks, and provide stimulating toys and puzzles to keep their minds sharp. By incorporating exercise and mental stimulation into your pet’s daily routine, you’ll not only enhance their physical health but also strengthen the bond you share.

Senior Pet Care: Nurturing Aging Companions

If you have senior pets, they require extra attention and specialized care. Regular senior wellness exams, blood work, and joint supplements can help detect age-related issues early and improve their quality of life. Our veterinarians can provide guidance on how to best support your senior pet’s specific needs during their golden years. By embracing senior pet care, you’ll ensure your loyal companions enjoy a comfortable and fulfilling life as they age gracefully.


At Steeples Veterinary Clinic, we’re committed to providing exceptional care for your pets throughout their entire lives. By embracing the importance of preventive health, you’re taking proactive steps to ensure your furry companions live a lifetime of happiness and well-being. Remember, our dedicated team of skilled veterinarians and compassionate staff are here to support you in maintaining your pet’s preventive health. Together, let’s create a future filled with love, laughter, and good health for our beloved pets!

If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s preventive health, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Wishing you and your furry friends a fantastic summer filled with boundless joy and vibrant health!

Warm regards,

Your friends at Steeples Veterinary Clinic