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Deworming Your Pet

By July 30, 2014 February 10th, 2015 Freddie's Blog

Does Your Pet Need De-Worming?

Internal parasites, such as worms, are just a fact of life in pets that spend time outdoors.

As well as being gross, robbing animals of nutrition, and perhaps making them sick, intestinal parasites can also put you or your family at risk. Some types of roundworms may shed eggs that can be ingested by young children. The eggs become larva, and then these young worms can migrate in the human body and cause disease in humans.


Here are some questions to ask:

  • Does your cat or dog have fleas or has she had fleas in the past 6 months? (Fleas can carry certain worms to your pet).
  • Is your pet younger than one year old or older than 10 years?
  • Does your cat or dog spend time outdoors? Hiking? Hunting? Traveling?
  • Does he hunt and catch mice, rats, rabbits, or consume other wildlife feces?
  • Do you have more than one pet?
  • Do you have a baby or young child in your home?
  • Has your cat or dog had a parasite identified in the last 6 months?


If you’ve answered yes to most, you have a high-risk household and it’s time to think about deworming your cat or dog. First, collect a fecal sample and take it to your veterinarian for analysis. Most high-risk pets should have feces checked and be dewormed 3-4 times per year.


If you’ve answered no to most of the questions, and your pet rarely goes outdoors, you have a low risk household. Have your pet dewormed once or twice a year, and a fecal exam is usually unnecessary.


Well, as cat who likes to hunt for mice, I know a thing or two about worms. They are certainly unwelcome guests. Take the time to assess your pet’s risk and treat for them regularly!


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